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Memberpointsguy Dwight

Where To Go to See Your Credit Reports And Scores

You receive credit reports in the mail from each credit bureau free of charge due to Credit Comeup requesting on your behalf during the credit improvement process. One thing you will notice is those credit reports do not have credit scores. The credit bureaus charge a fee for credit scores and credit reports. You can get a new copy of your credit reports and scores anytime you want but you will be charged a fee. Listed below you will find websites you can pay a fee to see a copy of your credit reports and credit scores. When you first start your credit journey with Credit Comeup we pull a copy of your credit report with one of the websites listed below. Contact your credit expert to get the website address, username, and password of the website used to first pull a copy of your credit report. All you have to do is login and pay to pull a new copy of your credit report and scores.

Listed below is a video that explain more in detail about pulling a new copy of your credit report & scores.

Where To Go To See Your Credit Reports And Scores



Posted in Credit News on July 15 at 12:08 PM

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